Oh no my mind is going again on what Maizie is going to wear to church the Sunday of Christmas. I've been making her clothes for the special occassions and I did make her a top that she'll wear on Thanksgiving. I haven't blogged that yet and I haven't even put it on her so I don't even know if it will fit her properly but she'll be wearing it regardless! :)

Anyway, I picked this pattern up today from amazon. I hate how the pictures on the pattern envelope look so outdated. But I used my imagination as to what Dress A and Coat E could look like in some great fabric. I'm fabric shopping right now on Etsy. I like fabric on Etsy because sometimes you can find pieces that are harder to find on the big fabric sites. One thing I do know, is that the coat is going to be made in a brocade. Gorgeous! And I'm leaning toward something teal or turquiose like this beautiful textile.

Just looking at it just makes me think winter and snow and ice. Brrr! Not sure what the dress will be made out of. A solid, that's for sure. But what kind of solid, still working on that.
I do have other projects I have to make for Christmas time. So am I biting off more than I can chew? Probably. But we sure are going to try and make this happen anyway.
Updates coming as I make a little more progress.