I get asked a lot what colors I have on my eyes or what some of my essential colors are. I am definitely a MAC addict. I believe that for their quality of product and the price range, it's very competitive and I get a lot of bang for my buck! And since a lot of my bucks are going this direction I might as well by something I believe in right? Ok so here are the pics and I'll give the names of what they are. Each photo, I will explain starting from the top and going clockwise in each set of 8.

1. Dazzlelight - shimmery cream highlighter - great brow highlighter
2. Retrospeck - pearlized beige - great all over color - this color gets used a lot
3. Naked Lunch - neutral pink - get all over color - could use everyday
4. Phloof - very shimmery light pink almost white frost - I use this all over my clients faces for a great highlighter as well as using on my eyes - again this color is very frosty
5. Paradisco - coral pink - can swing pink or more orange - very fun and light
6. Talent Pool - great teal - I love teal with taupes and purples for something different, great as a lid color or crease color
7. Amber Lights - metallic orange gold - fantastic for warm colors and layering on top of pinks to make it pop, great as a lid color or crease color
8. Juxt - fun lime green - I put this with both a dark smoke green and black - looks fantastic with a fun pink lipgloss, fantastic fun lid color

1. Patina - gorgeous pearlized medium beige - this is a MUST have!!! It can go either way, cool tones or warm. Looks awesome on the lid.
2. Sumptuous Olive - a brown olive green with gold shimmer - great with warm tones, can use on lid or crease
3. Woodwinked - golden medium brown with gold shimmer - can go with both the above colors very nicely, again another lid or crease color
4. Nighttrain - this color is discontinued but it's a metallic gun metal grey. You can so a wash for a light grey on lid or pack on for dark smokey effect. Looks amazing with blue eyes. Also a great sub for black if you don't want to put black in your crease for a dramatic effect.
5. Embark - burgundy red brown - looks fantastic with Patina. Also goes great with neutral pinks for a natural look when used in the crease. I've also used it to line my eyes too.
6. Black Tied - Shimmery black - great as a liner - yes you can line with black and it looks natural
7. Espresso - deep brown - great crease color along with eye liner.
8. Plumage - dark teal blue - this looks great with teal greens, it makes me pop as a crease color or eye liner
Also before I wear any colors on my lid, I first put on a light layer of a primer on my lid to help the colors stay on and not crease throughout the day. I use MAC Prep+Prime and then reinforce it with a layer of paint that dries to a powder.

So all in all, I have a little over 90 eye colors. Isn't that just crazy??? And here I am going to Vegas and I'm most definitely going to hit up the MAC Pro store at Caeser's Forum Shops. It's like my candy store seriously!! FUN!!!
I'll post some of my favorite combos soon and the next time you are at Nordstrom strolling through the cosmetics department, you can take a trip to MAC and see if it's something you might want to pick up.