Something that happened that I didn't plan for was that I read like 3 books this summer that were centered around WWII. And all three have been excellent. In fact, I'm not done with the third one but I'm blahgging it anyway because
it's going to be my favorite, I can already tell. It's so good. I already know which of my friends will pick it up. Ok so here are the 3 WWII books. Skeletons at the Feast, The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society and The Book Thief. That's the one I'm reading now that is so so good.

Another excellent series that I read the sequel too this summer is the Tea Rose series. I read The Winter Rose this summer and it so good. They are long though, like 600+ pages long and the books themselves are huge. Good historical fiction and not to mention that the covers are beautiful.

Starting Tuesday, my first book of the fall comes out. Catching Fire. It's the second Hunger Games book and I way stoked for it!!! Then 2 weeks later, Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger comes out and she wrote Time Traveler's Wife so I'll definitely be reading it.
Also, everyone congratulate Jared. He got his library card this week. hee hee. We're such nerds. Oh well, I lllloooovveee it.