A few years ago all my spare time was consumed by reading. It was literally all I used to do. Let's just say the dishes and laundry would sometimes suffer. I got to a point where it kind of burned me out. Then I had Maizie and my time started to get spread a little thinner, not to mention that I was still working 24 hours a week. And as of June, I recently added another hobby to my list and this one has already started to snowball and railroad other activities. Of course Maizie still takes priority but once 7 PM rolls around and she goes to bed for the night I get 3 hours of me time. And that me time gets quickly taken up by some sewing project I've decided to do. And let's say I already have a file box organized of patterns, projects, and online sewing tutes that I've stored for the future. I kind of have an obsessive personality.
Ok so here are a few pics of a pair of bloomers I made for Maizie. I just barely finished the top dress this week and it turned out super cute. I'll unvail the picture of Maizie in it next week because she's going to be wearing this outfit for a party we are having at my brother's house

down in Houston.
But there are just too many fun projects I'm finding online and I'm a little obsessed with buying fabric because there are so many gorgeous designs that I feel like I have to have them. Let's say I frequent fabric.com and craftersvision.com all the time. And if you are a fabric buyer then let me tell you that I find it the cheapest on crafter's vision more often. However, they don't offer free shipping if you spend $35 but you can choose how much you want to pay for shipping depending on how fast you want it. And let me add that fabric.com is warehoused in GA so it takes my orders a full week to get to my house whereas I get my crafter's vision orders in the same week I order them. Not bad.