Ok so it no secret that Muse has been a favorite band of mine for awhile. I about lost it when I found out they were stopping in SLC in April for a concert. I was on Jared's laptop the day after Christmas buying tickets at 8:30 AM. We went to the concert on Monday April 5th and had the BEST time. BEST CONCERT EVER. I don't care who you are - go see these guys if you can. They are amazing musicians and they really shine live. Jared took a few pics with his phone while we were there. The SLC concert had the most random group. I had 2 ten year old boys in front of me and then a rockin' older lady next to me.
But here's the funny thing - I got to see these guys again in Vegas at Mandalay Bay that weekend! Crazy huh? So I just happened to email a favorite friend of mine who lives there and told her to go see them. In the matter of an hour she had 2 tickets and wanted me to come down. So I did. It was a quick trip to Vegas but we were super close to the stage like 5 rows away on the side and it was amazing all over again.
Can't wait to go again.