Ok there was one thing I wanted to get accomplished this Labor Day and that was reading the second installment of the Hunger Games. I read HG last Fall and thought it was pretty good for a young adult book. Lots of violence and a story that I got invested in. Well book 2, Catching Fire, came out last Tuesday and I was dying to go buy it. So Jared and I went to Barnes & Noble and it was not there. I thought it might have sold out because there were 275 holds on it at the library before it even officially came out. So we went home and decided to get on the bikes and go head to Target. It wasn't there either. I was actually ok with this because I was still engrossed in my other book at the time. Jared suggested we give WalMart a try before we headed home. And wouldn't you know, it was there. Wahoo!!
Catching Fire was even better than the first. I read 150 pages my first night. I could not put the stupid thing down. Love the storyline, love the characters . . . this was a great book to start off my fall reading season with. If you are a book reader and not afraid of a little futuristic theme . . . pick these up now. Start with book 1, you won't be sorry.