Thursday, July 12, 2012

Yard Sale

Whoa - you know its been awhile since you've posted on your blog if your last entry was January and it's July. I'm terrible. Quick and dirty version is that I'm somewhat anti blogging now. I still love readings other's blogs, that's not what this is about. Anyway, if you want to know more you can ask me but I don't want to waste space talking about the psychology of the blahg.

I'm having a 'yard' sale. If you know me well you know that in the last year I've become completely addicted to sewing. I don't quilt. I sew Maizie clothes, trying to make a top for myself, bags, and other stuff I think looks cool. I have a tendency to buy fabric if I get twitterpated about it when I see it before I have any real plans for it. Then that excitement dies down once I get working and then it sits in my fabric bin.

I also recently moved into a new house with a new mortgage. Translation - larger mortgage payment, savings considerably smaller. However, I have my sights on a little birthday gift to myself (cough, a better sewing machine) and I need to replenish that savings account.

Check out what I'm selling here in my Etsy shop BrittsYardSale :

If you have friends who want designer (not JoAnn's)* fabric please steer them my way. There's 11 yards for sale of random stuff. I have 1 Amy Butler print on there, she's a popular household name.

* I'm not dissing on Jo-Ann's, I just don't love their fabric. But I buy plenty of other stuff there don't be mistaken.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Return of TV

A lot of bloggers post about their New Year's resolutions as their first post of the new year. Well I haven't made any resolutions yet for 2012 but one thing I am glad about is the return of some of my favorite TV shows. I know, important stuff here.

I'm a project runway fan. This show happens to hit a lot of interest points for me namely fashion, sewing, talented people, and mostly humor. Last fall when I was watching this show I laughed so hard at one part that I totally scared Maizie while she was playing on the floor. Last season the contestants happened to be especially hilarious. But the sure fire winner on the funny comments has to be the judge Michael Kors.

If you are looking for something to fill your 7 PM Thursday night time slot then I say give it a shot. It's about the only thing I will ever watch on the Lifetime network.